Let's Talk About Internal Leadership!
Why is Internal Leadership Relevant? Internal Leadership focuses on leading from within. Many of us feel the need to learn and understand...
Shine Testimonial: Obinna Ogadah Shares Personal Development Story
(Author: Obinna Ogadah (MBA, BL,) is a dynamic and influential leader amongst his community in Nigeria. With an extensive academic...
The Core Values Of An Effective Leader!
When you think about the word "leadership" what comes to mind? For a long time, I thought leadership was defined by a title or position....
In Order To Provide Effective Feedback, It Must Be Objective and Behavior-Driven!
Feedback is very important in all aspects of our lives. We deal with feedback at work, in school, in relationships, from parents, etc....
Celebrating The Little Wins Will Create Motivation In Your Life
Think about the first time a child ties their shoe laces. In that moment, it's a big accomplishment and something they celebrate. As the...
Spread The Shine With Soulshine Leadership: We Are All Leaders!
The definition of Soulshine is to use the strengths you possess by creating opportunities of happiness, growth, and inspiration not only...
Using Your Strengths to Your Advantage will have a Positive Impact on Your Career, Relationships, an
Would you rather wake up each morning knowing you have the power and the control to choose how your day goes or would you rather let your pr
16 Personalities Test Will Support Your Soulshine Journey!
Looking to start your Soulshine journey? I have the first tool for you to do so! Soulshine Leadership is big fan and supporter of The 16...